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tv   [untitled]    June 4, 2012 11:02pm-11:32pm EDT

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months republicans have been trying to take america back one hundred years a time when women were considered the property of that republicans don't stop trashing women and women's rights women have the last laugh come on a number of actions. you need to know this in the state of florida told the justice department what it can do with its letter demanding governor rick scott end it is illegal purge of democratic voters in the sunshine state and that's shoving the state has until june sixth to respond to the letter but already the florida secretary of state's office has responded to it by saying we're going to continue forward and do everything that we can legally do to make sure that ineligible voters cannot vote florida's democratic senator bill nelson has called for an end to the voter purge as has the democratic party chairman in broward county and the miami herald newspaper which i've covered evidence that most of the voters targeted to be removed from the rolls
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or minorities and democrats and very few were republicans now there are public report has uncovered a possible connection between the florida voter purge and major right wing political donors as the watchdog dog group reports former florida secretary of state kurt browning who began the voter purge previously led a conservative group called protect your vote inc which according to disclosure documents received one hundred thousand dollars check from another organization called the center protect patients rights and guess where that organization gets much of its funding that's right the billionaire oligarchy the koch brothers it just so happens the koch brothers are also funding the american legislative exchange council alec which has churned out numerous voter id laws to make it harder for largely democratic voters to vote all across the country and here's what the founder of alec had to say back in one nine hundred eighty about his agenda. now many of our christians have what i call the cuckoo syndrome good governance
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they want everybody to vote. i don't want everybody to vote elections are not won by a majority of people they never have been from the beginning of our country and they are not now going to liberate in the elections quite candidly go drop out go bowling populist go down he said that as he was running the reagan campaign in one nine hundred eighty so just how coordinated and how well funded is this effort to block democrats in the polls in november and seal a presidential victory for wall street's favorite politician mitt romney here's shed more light on this is panda hair co-director of the advancement project and welcome thank you glad to have you with your positions filed suit against florida what are you asserting the state is guilty as well what the state did is it created a list of mostly latino citizens and sent them letters telling them that the state suspected that they were not citizens and should not be registered to vote and they had thirty days to bring in their documents or they were going to be taken off the
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voting rolls this just caused an uproar in florida and latino community the haitian american community so we've actually given notice that this violates federal law and we intend to sue is soon as the state has had twenty days to respond to our notice if it does not stop this purge now the the fifteenth amendment says that you can't while there's no right to vote in the constitution as the supreme court has reminded us several times including bush v gore the fifteenth amendment says that there that you can't discriminate based on race or color and is this a violation of fifteenth amendment or are you suggesting that this is a violation of the voting rights act to we're suggesting that it's a violation of the voting rights act which was passed in order to implement the fifteenth amendment and protect the right to vote for people of color and we're also suggesting that it violates the national voter registration act which congress passed in one thousand eight hundred in one thousand nine hundred three to make voter registration of more accessible because at that time roughly only fifty
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percent of african-americans were actually able to become registered to. so does it surprise you that corporate america like the koch brothers are funding a an effort to stop latino voters from you know especially after in two thousand katherine harris knocking seventy thousand african-american voters so you get them out of the way now it's the hispanics what we've seen in florida so you've seen a lection cycle after election cycle the state using the same playbook which is that takes a little bit of the vote away by taking away early voting days it takes away another slice of the vote by taking away voter registration opportunities it takes another slice of the vote away by purging people and it takes another slice of the vote away in some other states by passing very restrictive photo id laws now we know that the american legislative exchange council is behind the photo id laws that's been proven and i think it would be no surprise if they're also behind this purge in florida and we're seeing the same type of alleged non-citizen purge
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popping up in all different states and usually when it pops up and it's the same everywhere there's one source that's behind it right and we just heard from the founder of alec paul weyrich who worked on the reagan campaign and most recently on the george w. bush campaign although he died last year but the sky is you know i don't want to i don't want people to vote he said that clip is just chilling to me as somebody who believes in democracy i mean essentially he's saying i want to pick the voters so i can determine who wins elections and that's not democracy so what's your prognosis for the future of your lawsuit and what are you going to do whether you win or lose how do you how do you what's the next step i believe that we will be successful in convincing the federal courts to stop this purge as you may know the department of justice has also come in and told florida at our we send this information to the
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apartment of justice a couple of weeks ago and last week they told florida and no one certain terms that you need to stop. this purge that violates the voter registration act as well as the voting rights act and but in the meantime even if the courts stop it all of the chaos and confusion and intimidation that's been caused by this is part of what i think is the goal and i think the federal courts need to be stronger in preventing this because we see the same shenanigans every election cycle and i understand three hundred thousand voters have been knocked off the texas rolls for the last few months and that's because of the photo id yes back in two thousand and eight it was over three hundred fifty thousand in colorado i mean this is just it's like a cancer spreading across the country that's exactly right i mean. there is no reason not to make voting easy easy and accessible if you really want everybody who's eligible to vote then let them vote. on their thank you so much and they keep up the great work thank you very much for being here. it's pretty obvious why
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governor rick scott is refusing to end his illegal voter purge it's because you no longer thinks it's worth answering to the nation's democratically elected federal government instead he and other republican governors around the nation answer now to the newly entrenched oligarchy of the united states headed up by people like the koch brothers. for more on florida's voter purge and other big political stories of the week it's time to turn to our monday politics panel joining me tonight are sam sax progressive writer and commentator and horoscope or conservative commentator and senior fellow at the national center for public policy research thank you both for joining me tonight if you can see it again horace. governor rick scott is what i was just talking about to hear about is so far ignoring the d.o.j. request although his office has said that he will let us all know by wednesday what they're going to do. even though he's apparently in violation of the voting rights act but what about this will new connection with the koch brothers and and and rick scott's office and all this kind of stuff is this is this just
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a horse isn't this just a right wing effort to fix the election not out of the say same way that kathleen harris did it you guys are interested you have to say things that make me laugh here are the facts the social security administration is using a list of floater florida residents and they have determined that a number of those individuals will no longer be able to receive checks the very same list of people who can't receive social security checks when ron against the florida voter rolls we build a sizable number of people who are still listed so we have to believe that it's ok for them to vote but it's not ok for the obama administration to cut off their checks or vice versa i don't understand what the problem is there are you ok governor scott is using data from about two thousand to two thousand and the lists that he's compiling of these supposed boaters who are illegal. ninety nine percent vast majority are legal citizens of four hundred names they found fourteen who
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actually were flagged as non-citizens and when they were not flagged as non-citizens they were flagged my understanding is correct and correct me if i'm wrong but they were flagged as ineligible to vote where they're registered to vote i mean in many cases of my being that you're supposed to read it was to actually that were there were tigers non-citizens other stuff like that. i mean the story is here is there is no such thing really it's a bogeyman who's going to promote your republican ball and i don't let you the secretary of state former secretary of state of indiana unless you're newt gingrich not at all sure that usually occur to people on social security or on social security because they're on disability or they're no longer on disability they should get checks anymore does that mean they shouldn't vote anymore you know social security said that they are not alive around to receive these checks and that's why they're terminated but there's a simple way that the ski a result the department of homeland security janet napolitano could open up the database and verify the names that florida says are ineligible because they're no longer either they were citizens or they're not alive she could use the national
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database and verify this this whole issue could go away what we're doing right now is creating an environment where there will be hundreds of thousands of people who are not actually eligible to vote who are going to show up and influence the outcome everybody knows that it's already a close race it happens all the times and that it's really about your aversion studies have been done about this lots of people have looked into this this crisis of voter fraud and they found it doesn't exist you know more people get struck by lightning voter than than people who commit voter fraud it's an increase you know whether we're looking at are the number of arrests and prosecutions across the state are unprecedented in terms of there is no no in the state of virginia for instance they just did i was huge series of arrests involving in the effort to pay several hundred ex convicts to go and i mean illegally vote we are seeing problems in places like detroit and places like walking white and places like any of that i
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find would vote knowing that he'd go back to jail well they were told that that was ok too by the people who are now arrested you know to the richmond times dispatch and you can see the series of articles that they did right around the same time that the legislature was voting on it they did their exposé it turns out and. what was most damaging about this i thought was that they were impersonating blacks so it was minorities who were being disenfranchised having their votes taken from them by illegal voters this is a real problem it happens and we ought to be on guard about it is it worth throwing off a thousand eligible voters to make sure one person to vote not at all but the opposite is also not true it should not be the case that we allow a thousand ghost voters to come in just because we're concerned about one individual already.
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had a family i lived in a fairly nice community wasn't which was an upscale it was just like you know archie bunker society ok then they started showing up here what happened was my company decided i could get cheap labor and they got rid of. these are. the rules of the eaglets law and legally. every morning we have to go to work and you know we have to pay our bills and we have to do it and that's just the american dream and if you want the american dream you have to go by the law so i figure this here's one of the major trails in to the united states. i watch and they run run
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down my property and something about this noise. or this legal. system coming through the wire is protecting the country i'm the kind of guy who doesn't mind it is pants dirty so i come out here you know we're all immigrants as well know that we all here some somewhere else. wealthy british sign the sun. is not on. the. market why not. find out what's really happening to the global economy with mike stronger or a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune into kinds of reports . welcome
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back to tonight's politics panel joining me our sam sex progressive writer and commentator and horoscope are conservative commentator and senior fellow at the national center for public policy research let's go back to a friday we saw a disappointing jobs report although in a way you know the there's the it seems like an upside to it we've got it we've got a graph here that show you this this is you know the bush administration jobs crashing then obama comes in office and the stimulus bill gets passed and we see this uptrend we're in positive territory all this time not the very best positive territory but at least we're not down there were bush was so republicans are out talking not about the fact that we've had twenty what seven months twenty seven months of continuous positive net positive job creation the private sector but instead. you know oh you know isn't this terrible horace when republicans are talking about the. crash of the economy aren't they bragging. once again
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here's the problem the number of jobs that are necessary to get us back to where we were before they fail under the bush administration still are we would require two hundred fifty thousand jobs a month to be created and we're nowhere near those numbers and. that's the reason why the complaints are out there republicans could talk all day long it would have no impact it's the very fact that real republicans can filibuster a piece of legislation that says that if you bring jobs back from overseas into the united states you get a tax break and by the way we're not going to continue giving you tax breaks for same jobs off shore they were filibuster that piece of legislation that's killing another million jobs and it's either the republicans are bragging or they have a fundamental misunderstanding about how economics works and i'm not sure which is worse you know they have a fundamental disagreement and the issue that this administration should be looking at is one of two options when they had a democrat controlled congress and the white house in their hands they had the
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ability to push through any measure that they wanted to know you know they had a for a bill or bust or proof majority and they kind of pushed it through and it was the democrats who failed to take on many of them were not at the state they were number sixty down by so if i say to you two is four and you say to post who is five we don't have a fundamental disagreement you're just flat out wrong and that's what republicans are doing and you know that and i hand it attitude is the approach that mr obama took while they had a majority wants after two thousand and ten they no longer have those super sized majorities they have now had to sit down and deal with republicans who say i have a diff when they had of you already and you're going to have to when they had a majority they passed a stimulus which got us into that positive territory on the graph that i just showed since that time that stimulus that the nameless may have had some effect in creating that the overwhelming regulatory agenda of this administration is the reason that those numbers are at two hundred fifty thousand the regime in the last eighteen months this president could have just stood up and issued
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a statement we're already completed all they want let's see it let's let's see the make what is our markable is that it is believed by so many of the progressives that there is this magic regulation that heretofore didn't exist before two thousand and nine but the world is going to come crashing to an end it is that reason that those job numbers look as poor. as they do were they to have given a ruling this to compromise and negotiate they could have reduced side regulation this. this is nothing to do with regulations regulations are not the reason why companies aren't hiring people companies aren't hiring people because nobody is buying their products there is no demand we keep having this debate every time i come on the program say as law says supply creates its own demand but we have a swimming pool regulations we have food regulations we have which we've had for decades now no new ones that keep getting added on and on and on literally near decade this new sort of now out of the correlation between where everyone who owns a swimming forest didn't have to have
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a elevator when the when that when that when the congressional budget office looked into the cost of regulations and whether they created whether they created or her jobs what they found was that regulations create jobs if you say sorry koch brothers you can't mercury from the from the smokestacks of your refineries now they've got to hire somebody to put together a mercury scrubber they've got to hire somebody to install they've got to hire somebody to monitor it they just created jobs regulations on that actually create jobs and it's absolutely not true the phoenix center of washington d.c. based organization did a study and on their cost the average regulation cost nearly a million dollars in the average of my era where there's a million dollars because they have to pay those damn jobs that they hired to put that scriber up there you know. and his new jobs if you are going to cause during the worst economic situation that we've experienced in r.l. it sounds not you know and i'm sorry this is not as bad as it was during reagan reagan unemployed all this is not true ten point eight percent unemployment may have been figurative listed higher but the actual impacted the number of americans
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who are out of work or higher and all markedly around i are there what is my point we have a worse situation today and then we did then well that's because we're all so regular boosted public spending hired the government workers which is the opposite of what's what publicans have allowed president obama to do so far to get out of this retired self. carolina justice john paul stevens the justice of the sentences in the united says that citizens united is not going to stand the test of time. this year republican operatives like the koch brothers the the former head of the bush white house you know karl rove i find it amazing that the bush white house is at the to the tune of three hundred million dollars is leading the charge against obama and nobody is talking about it is the bush white house and karl rove and the chamber of commerce have pledged over a billion dollars to defeat obama walker in scott walker in wisconsin is outspending tom barrett seven to one ahead of tomorrow's race should we just change the rules now post citizens united since you know the billionaires are going to
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probably spend twice as much on the national election to spend seven times as much in the governor's election and just kind of handicap it say whoever you know since since parents being outspent seven to one whoever gets more than thirty percent of vote wins. whoever gets well if barry gets more than thirteen percent of the vote he wins because he's up by he's only spending thirteen percent of the money. you guys run multi millionaires and billionaires for governor of new jersey and then they really believe that it didn't work out so well for new jersey it didn't work out so well for taxpayers but my point is it's a free society people are allowed to run if they want to put their resources in they're allowed to citizen united stands for the proposition that. organization or any really are you know by the a large organizations are allowed to bring their resources to their it's their elections are better off now we can have billions of dollars and i think our campaign i think our campaign superstructure regulation process has been a complete and total felt so you want to free for all to work people going to settle in my own seventies those regulations and rules have just been
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a complete and total so we should go back to nixon taking five hundred thousand dollars bribes and suitcases orrible a can of beans doing a million dollars in suitcases you could have whichever that's one of those regulations recorded on one of those resolutions and his links to his tax plan to regulation of dollars as well as. the idea that resources don't follow support that resources create somehow magically support people aren't going to give people aren't going to contribute they're not going to use their own resources unless it's something that they are actually committed about that's the truth of the matter and programs if you are tight inside or out here financing if somebody has to are if somebody has one hundred thousand supporters versus somebody who has one supporter but that one supporters a billionaire the person with the one supporter might be able to outspend the person with one hundred thousand supporters fifty to one or thousand to one that has nothing to do is always has a legal resources to persuade people in america that's what the citizens united case stands for so no i have not yet seen anyone bringing in suitcases of cash and
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handing them to anyone but it happened on both sides what i'm saying is the progressive solution that was presented as a sought to solve the problem hasn't worked we're going. you know what it what if what if we gave everybody the same time the same resource and it was determined on the ideas and the better vision i could use them kennedy like say the two thousand eight. hundred cited not to accept public dollars but mr mccain did obama no it's not like anyone at all when you think it was because of that and not because of a more attractive vision i think that that really well that's an interesting thing so here's a question speaking of suitcases of cash grover norquist is a multimillionaire and a lobbyist and. he's out there freaked out right now how do you convince a republican to raise taxes tell him that it's for defense right six hundred billion dollars in cuts to the pentagon because of that were pushed by the republicans you know if you if you if the supercommittee doesn't do its deal we're going to have these automatic cuts now there's going to be automatic cuts grover
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norquist is all freaked out lindsey because lindsey graham is talking about raising taxes so what do we do how how are why are republicans willing to raise taxes to keep the war machine going but not low interest taxes for food stamps i think it's a glimpse into their morality i would say here you have forty nine million people in poverty fifty million people without health insurance you have economic crisis in america but we will not raise taxes help these people however at the fence contractors in virginia want to build unnecessary jet plane engines then for sure let's raise taxes to make sure that defense contractors get their head of god doesn't want two thousand and nine two thousand and ten you guys had super majorities in both houses and the white house and you didn't address those problems so if as serious as you claim they are they didn't get addressed then i'm not going to take responsibility and i don't believe the republicans ought to take responsibility for what i wanted to say when i was there with what i did i will tell you where it is it is is that i don't anticipate that we're going to say tax hike associated with the defense budget as well i imagine that we are going to see
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after the elections are over an aggressive effort to come up with additional savings and other parts of the government to prevent those things happening in the . in the defense budget and the last thing is going to take the money out of out of the mouths of hungry kids and give it to a defense contractor you talk to your own progressive colleagues about well they're going to go along with that the college tuition requires the cost do you think if he wanted one of his a there's going to be a point is that look i'm going to have a pen he says yes well the constitution places defense of this nation it's national security at the cinema of its responsibilities and these other things are actually us too she also says that you can fund anything you want for forever except for the military which you can only fun for two years because there was this big debate on the father's about whether we should let average spending about there's an agenda missed so. we're out of the sam sags chorus cooper thank you for the one of those.
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crazy alert summer is coming let's get naked that's what many in seattle are saying is the city prepares to welcome summer the same way it does each year with naked body art covered bicyclists every year dozens of naked painted cyclists take part in the fremont solstice parade or the usually brave the not so summer like conditions of rain and nippy temperatures up they don't use water based paint but while it sounds like a real blast riding in the buff for thousands to see does come with a set of rules that must be followed including they'll be creepy don't stare at people and be respectful of parade spectators the freemont souls this parade is a family friendly about course folks expected the painted cyclists but they do not want. junk and kids' faces is good judgment when interacting with spectators yes those are real guidelines to follow in the fremont souls this parade website rumor has it newt gingrich and human herman cain will both be participating in this
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year's event rick santorum declined the invitation. after the break republicans already want women to have shady back alley abortions after they unwillingly get pregnant. but now they want them to make less money at work to why republicans continue in their war on women and how women respond in the november elections. on. the elite. the litmus tests.
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there hasn't been a thing get on t.v. . it is to get the maximum political impact all six before source material is what helps keep journalism honest we thought. we wanted to present. something else. says. the mission and three critique a should three columns for charges free from richmond three. three stooges free. the old free blog just call it
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mediocre for your media projects a free medio dog to our teeth dot com. reaching out across the. nothing that a putin has up to beijing on a state visit hoping to pick up economic tips from russia's successful name. the syrian rebels the say they're no longer committed to a none ceasefire calling point no sign saying to take over from the monitoring mission that's as tensions come to a head but in the recent with a message with arab and western nations demanding an arm to respond. and the libyan authorities have regained control of tripoli international airport after being seized by armed groups dozens of militia men have been arrested after a storm in the facility and demanding the release of one of the beatles. it's back to washington studios and the big picture in just a couple of moments here are not. part
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of back to the big picture i'm tom hartman coming up in this half hour of republicans while romney did take the white house why are they continuing to attack the rights of women also remember when republicans started it which shot over president obama's failed investments in the solar energy company cylinder well turns out there romney did the exact same thing as governor of massachusetts which water can mr romney avoid his record as governor and i talked a lot on the show about how republicans need to lie in order to win an election but they have a second go to strategy to tell you what it is and how we can stop it and i'd still take.


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